You know many of the common things that result in dental health concerns including not brushing or flossing enough, forgoing regular visits to our McLean dental office, smoking, and even eating foods high in sugar. But did you know that your posture can also affect your oral health? Straighten up, put your shoulders back, and read on to find out how.
You remember the song that first taught us all anatomy, right? The one where we learned the foot bone was connected to the leg bone. Turns out, this elementary explanation to the way our bodies are structured is right on. And that’s where we can run into problems if we have bad posture. It’s ideal to have your head, neck, and spine aligned. However, this isn’t always the case. A lot of people sit or stand with their heads a bit too far forward, which throws off the entire system. When the head goes forward, the shoulders tend to follow and the jaw actually moves backwards. This causes your bite to fall out of place, leading to a misaligned jaw and potentially TMJ disorder, migraines, and other uncomfortable problems.
There are several key warning signs that you may be suffering from a bad bite, whether caused by posture or not. If you notice any of the following, call your dentist in McLean.
Want to know if your posture is a little out of whack? Test it using one of the methods below.
If you think your posture may be the reason for your pain or dental concerns, schedule your appointment at our McLean dental office today. We can help identify the root of the problem, analyze potential solutions, and work together to find the best option for you.
Accepting patients from McLean, North Arlington, Tysons Corner.